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Joshua 10:12 Prophetic Poem

My new prophetic poem made in prayer this morning! Sun Stand Still from Joshua 10:12-14

Sun, stand still! Arise and shine over my life!

Hover over my heart, and heal all guilt, pain, and strife!

Sun stand still, please adhere to the power God has given me!

I receive God’s glory, which causes me to walk in victory!

Sun stand still, my conversation with Abba bends and breaks time!

Mountains that take decades to traverse, within seconds I shall climb!

Sun, stand still! Show me new levels and new heights!

Allow me to see the limitlessness of God’s abundance, glory, and might!

Sun, stand still! I cannot deal with this burden another day!

I will not sleep until my burdens are scorched, until God makes a way!

Sun, stand still! Blind every enemy of ours in this war!

For the oppressors we see today, we shall see no more!

Sun, stand still, for the Son of God shines brighter than thee!

And everything that lives under you, is not greater than He that is in me!

- Joshua De Sousa

If you want more encouragement like this, order my 2020 Devotional today!

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